adolescence, almost arriving at the legal age
of twenty, our Academy of Literature is having
its 20 year birthday celebration. It always was
turned toward cultural care and the encaminamento
of the writers of the land for the paths of the
literature and theory of literature. Twenty years
of the search for aprimoramento linguistic, of
the actualization of norms and forms, the principle
of beginning middle and end, of those that have
means in courage and vanity to dare to try to
enter her golden seats. Whoever is admitted to
the academy is subject to an avaliation of the
academics and public, not always favorable.
A fifth of a century, small and great parcel of
time, academy life has been sufficient to mature
minds and bodies, subject to emotion and reason.
First, descrença chacota, and malice from
all, first, the direct attacks, the explicit envy,
the hard combat, a treacherous search to bring
to the institution to paralyzation and ruin. Afterwards,
distance, forgetfulness, the eternal ignoring.
Never one word of encouragement, never a gesture
of tenderness, comprehension, a tenue line of