The wise guy that nicknamed
the dictionary as “the father of mules”
committed a grave injustice to humanity, or at
least to the humanity of the Portuguese language.
But really, kidding or not, just how many people
keep away from the lexicon and avoid consulting
it to appear cult and self-sufficient? It’s
a shame because a good or even a poor dictionary
never did any harm to anyone, but could do the
contrary, perhaps helping out a lot. A dictionary
is a God-sent auxiliary for anyone, at the moment
of clearing up doubts. With it, we can quickly
and easily clear up doubts and affirm certainties
about orthography and word meanings, always coming
to the rescue, like a ray of sunshine on a rainy
day. A dictionary, if human, would certainly be
considered to be the most intelligent of all teachers.
are dictionaries for all uses and users in the
world today, the most popular being that of synonyms,
even the analogical ones, which give all associated
ideas, too. There are dictionaries for all needs:
grammar, antonyms and synonyms, etymological,
proper name dictionaries, of verb conjugation,
of pronunciation, of slang, of technical terms,
historical, geographical, philosophical, biblical,
It looks crazy, but there is even one for cuss
words, edited a couple of years ago, with all
the shameless exaggeration that could be possibly
expounded in the everyday Portuguese language.
I have a dictionary about women of the Bible,
another of mythology and still another dealing
with difficult points of the Portuguese language.
someone is very rich, or thinks so, isn’t
lucky enough, or doesn’t know how to escape
from the hypnotic sales pitch of booksellers,
he will buy beautiful dictionaries and encyclopedias,
of many volumes, luxurious, appropriate for decorating
bookshelves, in the living room, if possible.
They are gorgeous outside, golden, brilliant,
truly exquisite jewels, marvelous to be seen and
touched. On the majority of times, these treasures
are kept on the shelf, unused, because the quantity
of wisdom contained in these volumes is sometimes
so great that the advantages they offer are minimally
explored, only to be awakened if they are finally
discovered by some school children, who are always
ready to copy down anything they find, to rack
up a few extra points at the end of the semester.
How good it would be if people would use them,
as they should be… constantly! And how happy
they would be if they started taking advantage
of the immense wealth contained inside.
Of course, it is clear that Schools should promote
more research, research to be executed with these
precious tools of wisdom. This would immediately
lead to great gains at the social level of common
knowledge of the Portuguese language, as much
in orthography as well as in the proper meaning
of words. When someone comes to the point of valorizing
their language, and shows interest in it, realizing
that in every word is contained a universe of
life and power, the road to culture is already
half walked. The dictionary is a vehicle of individual
and collective use, silent, always ready to transport
its users to a wonderland of reality and enchantment.
Don’t be afraid of using them, during the
day or at night. The dictionary is our most generous
friend, patiently waiting for us, our Friend and